Who is he?

A Manchurian Candidate.

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In my reading about Obama and his family, it appears that Obama has undergone many personality changes. While in high school and the first years of college at Occidental, he was the "Hawaiian kid" who liked surfing and smoking pot. He played basketball. He was definitely not a high achiever.

The next big shift I see occurs around his time at Columbia (New York City years) when he lives at a near poverty level and seems to be bifurcating his life. He's attracted to other men, but he maintains relationships with women. I don't think those relationships with women were phony, he was definitely attracted to those women. But he likes the adventure of gay culture. He's not the "Hawaiian kid" anymore, he's emerging as an intellectual.

Then all of a sudden he goes to Chicago to get his credentials as an activist. He had no such inclinations until he arrived in Chicago and notice he doesn't stay in Chicago one minute longer than he has to. He plays the part well--he emerges in leadership roles at various organizations, he hones his speaking skills. And he meets and marries Michelle. Michelle was perfect for this phase--she is Chicago born and raised, had ties to the Chicago political machine (Jesse Jackson), and she is definitely African-American rather than "mixed" or "Hawaiian" as Barack was perceived. I think Barack and Michelle got along well, but this was not a marriage of love. Barack converted from the Hawaiian kid and the gay guy into the Chicago street activist.

Then he speaks at the DNC and gives a riveting if rather empty speech about hope and change. This was the penultimate version of Barack Obama--the intellectual hipster, the eloquent speaker. Barack becomes a sort of combination of Ivy League scholar and cool cat.

Now that he is out of office, he is sort of falling apart but it's because he's outlived his usefulness. He was indeed a Manchurian candidate and now he's just got a boatload of money and no real purpose. I do not think Barack Obama ever had an ideology. He was fine using drone warfare. He is fine living in wealth and splendor as "his Chicago" descends into rampant crime and poverty. He weaponized the IRS to pursue his enemies, but he talked about unifying Americans.

I think he is mind controlled or a Manchurian candidate. It's hard to describe this sort of flexible personality in a human robot. But the interesting thing is that in researching him, I've found deep CIA ties of his mother and her parents. The most mysterious figure in all of this is Stanley Armour Dunham (Barack's maternal grandfather). Definitely intelligence but not much of a trail.

My question is this: was Barack Obama born and raised to this role or was this role thrust upon him at some point? In other words, was there any point at which little Barry could have escaped and been his own person?

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Don’t forget Obama's association with Frank Marshall Davis. Obama spoke warmly of this man, who he simply identified as "Uncle Frank" in his Dreams From My Father book, saying he had a decisive influence (he was his main mentor) during much of his Hawaiian boyhood (age 10 to college). Beyond that, Obama never mentioned Frank's last name in the book. Why?

Well, the reason is that "Frank" was a hardcore Soviet apologist (a Stalinist, in fact). He was a member of the Chicago Communist Party (in the CPUSA) before he moved to Hawaii in 1948. During the Cold War, he was named by Congressional investigators as a key member of a pro-Soviet network in Hawaii. The 1951 report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a CPUSA member. When he appeared before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee in 1956, he took the Fifth Amendment when asked about his CPUSA activities. And note that his Hawaiian lawyer was a CPUSA member as well.

What was Frank up to in Hawaii? As soon as he arrived, he tried to take over the Honolulu branch of the NAACP. In 1949, Edward Berman of the local Hawaiian chapter of the NAACP sent a letter (http://www.archive.org/stream/hearingsregardinhaw03unit#page/2067/mode/1up) to the acting National Secretary of the NAACP, Roy Wilkins, stating “I was at one of the election meetings at which one Frank Marshall Davis, formerly of Chicago (and formerly editor of the Chicago Communist paper, the Star) suddenly appeared on the scene to propagandize the membership about our 'racial problems' in Hawaii. He had just sneaked in here on a boat, and presto, was an 'expert' on racial problems in Hawaii. Comrade Davis was supported by others who had recently 'sneaked' into the organization with the avowed intent and purpose of converting it into a front for the Stalinist line … snip … …Already, scores of Negro members were frightened away from these meetings because of the influx of this element. Only by a reorganization with a policy that will check this infiltration, can we hope to get former members back into a local NAACP branch. We are going to have to have that authority over here―otherwise you’ll have a branch exclusively composed of yelping Stalinists and their dupes―characters who are more concerned about the speedy assassination of Tito than they are about the advancement of the colored people of these United States."

Frank was also active in trying to spread Communism through the unions. In fact, it was on the recommendation of a union leader, Harry Bridges, that he moved to Hawaii. Soviet archives show that Harry Bridges was a CPUSA member and, in fact, a secret member of the Central Committee of the American Communist Party: http://www.conservapedia.com/Harry_Bridges . It seems that Davis moved in high Communist circles here in the US. And he was Obama's teenage mentor. Imagine that!

Obama idolized this guy. In his Dreams book, he mentioned that Davis read poetry to him. What he neglected to mention is that Davis wrote poetry championing the Soviet Union and Communism. And no doubt he talked about many other things from a Communist perspective with young Obama. How could this not have deeply affected Obama's views during those teen years when we are most impressionable? Of course it did. Obama says in his book that Frank was preparing him for college. But to do what? Be what? Why is it that Obama won't reveal what classes he took in college? What professors he had? What activities he engaged in? And isn’t it curious that after college Obama ended up where Davis originally came from … Chicago, where he signed on as a community organizer with a group modeled on the teachings of a one-time Communist Party admirer ... Saul Alinsky. Seems to me Obama learned Frank's lessons well. And America has suffered as a result.

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Stanley Armour Dunham (Anne Dunham's father and Barack's maternal grandfather) was CIA and I believe he was sent to Hawaii from his previous residence on Mercer Island to befriend and "handle" Frank Davis. In other words, Stanley Armour Dunham's job was keeping tabs on this guy.

Davis was a man of many vices, including an interest in pornography and some say underage kids. There are allegedly some racy images of Anne Dunham (Stanley Armour's 17-year-old daughter among Davis's stuff. I've seen the images (not hardcore stuff but definitely sexy pictures) but never saw confirmation they are Anne Dunham. Looks like her, though. They're online and to the best of my knowledge have never been credibly refuted. But I still withhold judgment.

The story goes that Frank M. Davis had an unhealthy interest in Anne Dunham and got her pregnant. This was a great embarrassment to Stanley Armour Dunham who was supposed to be "watching" Davis, not letting him carry on with his daughter. The story goes that Stanley Armour Dunham came up with the plausible story that Barack Obama Senior (a man he worked with but who he was not "handling") was the baby's father. Barack Senior went along with this in exchange for help extending his visa and getting into Harvard (both happened after the pregnancy). It also explains why Barack Senior had so little interest in the child and never lived with Anne Dunham.

Is this true? Former Pres. Obama looks a lot like Frank M. Davis and his writing about Davis are almost mystical, like this was a guy he had a profound connection with.

Davis was a commie, just as you say. But the Obama family tree is just one big rats' nest of lies. A lot is documented by Jerome Corsi over at World News Daily and his book on Obama.

Another paternity story about Obama is that he is the son of the guy who founded the Subud cult. Anne and her parents knew this cult leader, and he looks remarkably like former Pres. Barack Obama. Barack Obama Sr. is the guy with the least evidence of being Obama's biological father.

I personally have the sense that the key to unraveling the riddle is in the person of Stanley Armour Dunham, the grandfather. There is very little about him anywhere and even in biographies of the former president or Anne Dunham, he barely gets a mention. I think he was deeply in the CIA. And wouldn't it be the ultimate act of revenge by Davis to "capture" Stanley Armour Dunham's grandson? Or maybe They were in cahoots?

Barack Obama is a world-famous figure, and we know next to nothing about who is really is.

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There are many other connections that suggest Obama and Ayers had a close, inner-circle relationship … one that would influence Obama's thoughts. Here's a few:

- In 1987 Michelle Robinson was hired as a summer associate by the law firm of Sidley and Austin in Chicago. From 1988 to 1991, she worked as an associate at the firm. In 1989, while Barack was attending Harvard, Michelle first met Barack when she was assigned to mentor him when he was a summer associate at Sidley and Austin. Sidley and Austin's managing partner was a well known personal friend of Ayers' father, Thomas Ayers. Bernadine Dohrn worked at this firm as well ... as a para-legal. So Obama met his wife while she was an intern at the firm which simultaneously employed Ayers' wife. What a coincidence.

- In 1991, Michelle quit the law firm to work for Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley. Mayor Daley said he knew Ayers well, and that Obama and Ayers were "friends". Ayers called himself a "family friend" of the Obamas in an education book he wrote in 1997. When Ayers needed a glowing recommendation for that book, Obama happily provided one. Obama appeared with Ayers on numerous academic panels, including one organized by Michelle Obama to discuss that Ayers' book. These were more than just two “guys in a neighborhood”. They were close and supportive friends. They lived in the same neighborhood just a few blocks apart, reportedly having family dinners together. Their kids attended the same school. They attended the same events (like a neighborhood BBQ in 2005). Their wives had worked at the same law firm and shared the same dislike of America. Of course they were friends … and anyone who asked us to believe otherwise was simply blowing smoke to hide that relationship.

- Even in 2002, just seven days after Ayers made a statement about being an anarchist ("I considered myself partly an anarchist then and I consider myself partly an anarchist now. I mean I'm as much an anarchist as I am a Marxist which is to say I find a lot of the ideas in anarchism appealing”), Obama joined Ayers in a panel discussion at a gathering at the University of Illinois-Chicago on working toward social change and an extremely liberal agenda. And despite all these various contacts, we were told by the MSM to believe that Obama had no clue about Ayers' radical background until 2008 when it became an issue in the Presidential campaign.

- Contrary to what Obama's statement right after Ayers surfaced as an issue in the 2008 campaign implies, Obama did get "official endorsement" from Ayers several times in his earlier campaigns for political office. Does Ayers endorse people he doesn't know or trust? I rather doubt it. To me, that too suggests a close, influential friendship. Indeed, Ayers stated that he and Obama emailed one another and spoke on the phone often prior to their relationship being exposed in 2008. They claimed they after 2008 but who would know? Who really believes that two men who were clearly close and spoke often for decades have had no contact since their public break? Especially when their lies about not knowing each other are so obvious?

- After Obama took office, there were two entries in the White House visitor logs that were released with the name "William Ayers". Of course, the Whitehouse claimed these were "other" William Ayers, without actually identifying which "other" Ayers. However, the WH later had to admit that those logs are incomplete. They don't include a half million visitors in the first 9 months, nor all visitors to the First Family quarters. And some of the visits by important people are disguised by using their underlings names. And it was reported that the White House often met with "lobbyists" outside the White House in places where the Secret Service keeps no records. So seriously, folks, do we really believe that Obama didn't continued his long-standing relationship with William Ayers after entering the WhiteHouse? Does gullibility have no limits in modern America?

The truth is that the ONLY reason Obama publicly divorced himself from Ayers during the campaign (and since) was because Ayers' relationship suddenly became problematic. Then, Obama's chief strategist, David Axelrod, claimed (while on CNN) that Obama didn't even know about Ayers' radical past. And then Obama communications Chief Robert Gibbs confirmed that. Those were nothing but transparent lies.

Of course, the other tactic that Obama’s supporters (and that includes the MSM) employed to deceive the public was to claim that Ayers had changed since his Weatherman days. That he was now a little “c” communist … like most people. That he was a simple professor at a university doing good deeds for America. But did he really change?

He was still openly calling for the end of capitalism ... which is the same thing the "big C" communists want. In a 2001 interview he told the press "I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.” When asked in that same interview if he would set more bombs today, his response was, "I don't want to discount the possibility.” In the early 2000s, Ayers also posed standing on an American flag for an article in Chicago Magazine titled "No Regrets”. Hard to believe Obama, who represented a district in that city, didn't subscribe to that magazine and know about this incident.

In 2006, Ayers republished his "Prairie Fire" manifesto in which he wrote "We are a guerrilla organization. We are communist women and men, underground in the United States for more than four years. ... snip ... We need a revolutionary communist party in order to lead the struggle, give coherence and direction to the fight, seize power and build the new society." That release coincided with the start of Obama's run for President. Was he just an opportunist or was he pushing the Weatherman philosophy on a new generation? I think the latter since in March of 2012, Ayers spoke to a group of Occupiers and said “I Get Up Every Morning And Think… Today I’m Going To End Capitalism.” Ayers didn’t change. I think, like Van Jones, he merely changed his spots … changed the tactics he was using to see the same radical ends become reality. He disguised himself to make himself more presentable to a gullible public ... JUST LIKE OBAMA DID.

It was after his teacher girlfriend, Diana Oughton, in the Weather Underground died (while making a bomb to kill soldiers at a party), that Ayers decided to become an *educator* himself. That can be honorable profession … but I think the thought of teaching radicalism and communist notions to the children of the very parents he advocated killing was his idea of the ultimate joke. So, with degrees in hand, he began working as chair of the Alliance for Better Chicago Schools (ABCs) then was put in charge of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), both spreading communist ideology.

Besides influencing Obama, don't underestimate Bill Ayers' influence on education. He wasn't just a professor teaching small groups of students in his classes. He became the Vice President of Curriculum Studies for the American Education Research Association (AERA) … the nation's leading School of Education professional association. It's an organization that pushes the "social justice" agenda in its publications. Ayers wrote book after book pushing the concept to teachers, and through them to vast numbers of our children. So he groomed not only Obama, the Manchurian Candidate, but many of our children, including the one who just murdered the CEO of UnitedHealth care, with many of the others applauding that.

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You write "Stanley Armour Dunham (Anne Dunham's father and Barack's maternal grandfather) was CIA and I believe he was sent to Hawaii from his previous residence on Mercer Island to befriend and "handle" Frank Davis."

Given what the CIA was, even back then … in other words, a Fabian Socialist construct, that’s like the fox guarding the chickens. And it would put Stanley be in the perfect position to make sure his daughter’s son was put on the road to become President if that was the plan. Regarding that road, there’s another important name you didn’t mention in your article.

William (Bill) Ayers was a hardcore far left radical and anarchist, a member of the SDS, and a founder of the infamous Weatherman Underground. He and the Ayers family were instrumental in setting Obama on the road to the Presidency and he’s another person that Obama tried to hide and that he lied about when his association with him finally surfaced during his run for Presidency.

During the Philadelphia Democratic Primary debate, George Stephanopoulos asked Obama to explain his relationship to Ayers. Here's all that Obama said on that: “This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who’s a professor of English in Chicago, who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He’s not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.” That claim quickly fell apart when the campaign had to admit that they knew each other back in 1995 … when Ayers and his terrorist wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted, in their own home, a campaign event in support of Obama’s campaign for the Illinois State Senate … i.e., his first political office. CBS tried to downplay the story in an article that stated “Obama first met Ayers in 1995, during Obama's first state Senate campaign, and the two met with a small group of local liberal activists at Ayers' house.” But that was a lie.

First, the group that gathered in the home of the Ayers' wasn't just a group of "liberal activists". They were hardcore socialists and communists. The extreme left. One of those who was present was Dr. Quentin Young, an admitted Communist. And he is on record saying Obama and Ayers were "friends". Another was Alice Palmer. Nine years before she joined Obama in the Ayers' home, Palmer was the only African-American journalist to travel to the Soviet Union to attend the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. After that visit, she openly praised the Soviet Union in an article that she wrote. Yet another attendee was Maria Warren. She's blogged that she thought Obama was "too conservative". Care to guess her politics? Hint: she went by the moniker "red rabbit" on her blog.

But an even more glaringly dishonest is that Obama and Ayers' history goes back to when Obama was still in college at Columbia University ... in the early 1980s. According to Allen Hulton, the letter carrier who delivered mail to the Ayers’ home at that time, Obama visited the home of Ayer's parents back then. Hulton stated under oath (http://www.wnd.com/files/2012/03/HultonDocumentsREDACTED.pdf) that he met Obama outside the Ayers' house and that Obama told him that he was there to thank the Ayers for supporting his education. Hulton said that Mrs. Ayers told him that her family had been helping out a "foreign, black student.” "Foreign"? Hmmm. Hulton also had an encounter with Tom Ayers (Bill's dad) that he said left him thinking the senior Ayers was a marxist himself.

And guess what? In 1983, when Obama graduated from Columbia University, he moved to Chicago to head up the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a fledgling community organization modeled after similar groups started by Saul Alinsky. The DCP had secured a grant from the Woods Fund to finance the hiring of Obama. Then, in 1988, in response to a summit on the poor quality of education in Chicago, Ayers' father founded the Alliance for Better Chicago Schools (ABC). Tom Ayers included Obama in the coalition as the DCP’s organizer, and made his own son Obama's contact in ABC. Obviously, Obama began working with Bill Ayers much, much earlier than the Obama campaign and liberal mainstream media ever admitted to the public.

Then, starting in 1994, Obama and Ayers ended up working side by side as co-chairs of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, after ABC succeeded in getting it funded. Up till 1999, Obama and Ayers, as co-chairs of CAC, made grants to all sorts of left-leaning educational organizations. A marxist, Mike Klonsky, was one of the biggest recipients of their largess. Klonsky was an SDS comrade of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. In fact, had been an SDS national chairman and a demonstration organizer. It’s hard to believe that Obama, a student of history and an organizer himself, wouldn’t have known this. On top of that, Klonsky’s father was a communist who was convicted in the 1950s of advocating the forcible overthrow of the United States government. Small world where Obama is concerned, isn't it?

The grants from CAC were designed to contaminate our children with anti-capitalist and "social justice" (i.e., communist) notions. And from what we see today, it was a success. When Obama ran for President, Klonsky was allowed a webpage on Obama's Presidential campaign website devoted primarily to "social justice". It was one of the few webpages that Michelle Obama's web page linked. Only when Klonsky's communist affiliations were finally noticed by conservatives did Klonsky’s webpage and Michelle's link to it disappear. Again, Manchurian Candidate stuff.

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