I’m blown away. It never even occurred to me that it could be intentional ?? Did they know it would be as bad. My mind never went there. I guess incompetence made me feel better. It’s (perhaps) worse than I even thought. Hmmmm

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A lot of current events, especially in Dem-run states, seem bizarre. Dems are quick to cop to incompetence (that was the whole premise of having Biden in office!) and they're always ready to blame Climate Change or praise DEI... but those are just ways of saying, "Hey, it's not our fault!"

Over time, this doesn't make sense. Our nation is over-run with illegal immigrants. If we wanted to allow a huge number of immigrants into the country, we could have done it... legally. We would just speed up processing. Streamline the process, simplify the paperwork, and let people enter legally. Give them a green card, a social security number, and tell them to go forth and pay taxes. But we didn't do that! We preferred to let Democrats claim "incompetence" and let millions of illegals in. Those illegals are trapped in a peculiar legal status--they're not always able to work, at least not good jobs, but they can work under-the-table doing slave-type jobs. What if that's on purpose?

Gavin has bilked California taxpayers out of billions to fix the homeless problem, and homelessness has only increased. He can claim incompetence but what if the point was to drain resources away from taxpayers into Democrat pockets while allowing homelessness to ruin the country?

What if DEI was just an excuse to put the least qualified people in the driver's seat?

What if our woke military policies were not incompetence or misguided but a deliberate attempt to destroy our armies from within?

What if the FDA-approved poisons in our food are not mistakes on the part of scientists but efforts to make us sick, fat, and miserable? What if the new "body positivity" movement to accept fat as a beautiful thing is really just a way to encourage us to eat ourselves to death?

The drug crisis, the vax, censorship... what if these are not just manifestations of political incompetence but actual design?

Suspend disbelief for a minute and just think: what if many people in power are working for China to destroy this nation? Whether they're working for ideology (Karen Bass) or profit (Gavin Newsom, Joe Biden), they're sold out to a foreign power that wants this country destroyed but can't wage a direct war.

As John Lennon says, Imagine ... Everything makes sense if you look through that lens.

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Sad but true. I have to evolve my lenses I guess. In assuming they are different minded but still have good intentions was my mistake.

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Cali4~nya (to the tune of Hallelujah

by Leonard Cohen)

Now I've heard there was a secret chord

That David played, and it pleased the Lord

But you don't really care for music, do you?

It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth

The minor falls, the major lifts

The baffled fiddler Goobernator composing Cali4~nya

Cali4~nya, Cali4~nya

Cali4~nya, Cali4~nya

Your faith was strong but you needed proof

You saw her bathing on the roof

Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you

Karen tied you to a kitchen chair

Karen broke your throne, and she cut your hair

And from your lips she drew the Cali4~nya

Cali4~nya, Cali4~nya

Cali4~nya, Cali4~nya

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