Karen Bass is the mayor of Los Angeles and although California often takes weeks behind closed doors to count votes in election, I am going to be generous and assume she was fairly elected. But did anyone know who she really was?
Karen Bass is not a politician, although she’s held political office. She’s an activist.
Euphemistically called “an organizer” in her youth when she worked for the Venceremos Brigade (VB). This was a pro-communist group that supported Cuba. On paper, their main purpose was to arrange for Americans to travel to Cuba, ostensibly to see how great communism was when you got up close. In the 1970s, Bass (then a young woman in college) went to Cuba eight times.
Her path to the VB was a bit erratic. She was educated as a physician assistant and later got a master’s degree in social work. In the 1980s, she and other “organizers” got together to found the Community Coalition. Later she parlayed all of this into a stellar political career.
It was easy for her; she was a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) dream. Black, educated, with communist bona fides. Interested in revolution, not political solutions. Here’s a partial list of why Democrats salivate over grinning Karen Bass.
First and only Black woman in California state legislature in 2004
First Black majority whip in California State Legislature in 2005-2006
First Black majority floor leader for California State Legislature in 2007-2008
Commissioned a first: the “State of Black California Report”
First Black Speaker of the Assembly in 2007-2008
She served in Congress as Democrat Representative of California in 2010-2018 and she would routinely win her election with 80% or more of the vote. That’s kind of the percentage by which Putin wins in Russia. No whiff of fraud there
In 2018, her name was floated around to replace Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. And she might have won, too, but for some reason, she withdrew her name and supported Pelosi instead (and then a few years later in 2022, she hightailed it to Los Angeles to become Mayor). This sudden change of career direction seems suspicious. Speaker of the House is a vastly higher office than Mayor of Los Angeles. Why would she not want to take the Speaker’s Gavel? She’d have been third in line to the White House! Either Nancy strong-armed her out of the running or she had a mission in mind for Los Angeles!
She sits on a zillion caucuses, from the Medicare for All Caucus to the Congressional Creative Rights caucus (that sounds alarming) to the American Sikh Congressional Caucus and dozens more. Wherever two or more liberals are gathered in the name of progressive politics, Bass plops herself down in the group
In 2018, she was elected chairperson of the Congressional Black Caucus, where she served 2019 to 2021
She was shortlisted by Joe Biden as a Vice Presidential candidate
The LA Stonewall Democratic Club named Bass its “Public Official of the Year” in 2018 for her support of LGBTQ.
Bass, of course, is a lunatic. She once gave a speech praising the Church of Scientology for their work in fighting against inequality. She was distraught when Fidel Castro died because he was such a great leader and she sent her condolences to the Cuban people. She is a big fan of John Mahama, the new President of Ghana. Mahama has been President of Ghana before and his tenure was rocked by scandals, including a 2015 scandal that discovered it was routine practice in Ghana for judges to take bribes or sexual favors for specific verdicts. Bass is his biggest fan.
Bass got elected to be mayor of Los Angeles in 2022 with a campaign to end homelessness. She beat Rick Caruso, a moderate Democrat who despite that obvious failing, is at least not insane.
But let’s go back to the beginning. Karen Bass first rose to prominence with the Venceremos Brigade (VB); Venceremos in Spanish means “we conquer.” Stared in 1969 by the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in collusion with Cuba, VB’s main goals were to show American solidarity with Cuban communism and to change US policies to favor Cuba. Cuba supported them because their goals were to introduce communism to America. In fact, some have argued pretty convincingly that this now-defunct organization was actually a Cuban cutout to infiltrate the United States.
Whatever else it was, it was a match made in hell. The VB arranged a lot of trips to bring Americans to Cuba in order to show off the bounty of Cuba. Today, the Pastors for Peace run these same trips; the last one was conducted in 2017, so maybe the pastors have been put out to pasture.
Some other people involved in the VB program were Bernardine Dohrn, whom you may remember from the Weathermen group, The Chicago Eight, Days of Rage, and her expressed giggling delight over the Tate-LaBianca murders committed by the Manson gang. Dohrn was also the legal guardian of Chesa Boudin, who later became a liberal nutjob District Attorney in San Francisco, following the footsteps of Kamala Harris. Dohrn ended her career as a professor at Northwestern School of Law in 2013. Dohrn and Bass definitely ran in the same circles but I can’t find very tight connections. (You can find better ties between Dohrn and Obama, but that’s another story for another day.)
Now an interesting thing about VB. You couldn’t join if you were an American of Cuban heritage. Yup, the VB was racist that way. VB was a pro-Cuban group that banned Cubans. (Hey, nobody ever accused the radical left of making sense.) Immigrants to the USA from Cuba were thought to be anti-Cuba or counter-revolutionary.
VB did attract people like Karen Bass, whom they called “brigadistas.” They were hard-core lefists at the least; sometimes they were terrorists or at least terrorist-adjacent.
Now all was not peaceful in the VB back in the 1970s. A curious conflict broke out because VB in America saw itself as very pro-gay, while Cuba in general and Castro in particular considered the notion of gay liberation or gay rights to be imperialist at its core. In fact, Castro considered advocacy for sexual minorities like homosexuals to be the very epitome of the worst of America. VB did not share this opinion but it did not want to upset Fidel, so the gay brigadistas stayed in the closet. Karen Bass claims to be pro-LGBTQ but had no trouble that the VB was anti-gay. This shows an inherent deception at the heart of the organization, since members of the VB were strongly pro-gay. They just pretended to be something they weren’t. And it shows that Karen Bass was willing to compromise in her pursuit of radical communism.
Karen Bass was one of the members of VB. So was Jeffrey Bruce Klein (he started the rag Mother Jones News). And Bass isn’t even the first LA mayor to be a former VB member—that honor can also go to Antonio Villaraigosa.
Confidential sources way back when said that you could not join VB unless you could be “confirmed” as a Marxist. You couldn’t be a Cuban immigrant and you had to be a true Marxist. And, as if you didn’t already know, Karen Bass is a communist. But she’s not just your regular pink-haired nose-ring type café communist, she was the kind who was making regular pilgrimages to Cuba to bow at the feet of Fidel. She was the kind of radical who wanted communism so badly, she’d sell out her LGBTQ agenda for the cause.
The VB brigadistas were not a bunch of peaceful misguided intellectuals. The VB taught its members how to build bombs. According to a source called CiberCuba in 2019, it was Fidel Castro himself who started the idea of the VB as a way to indoctrinate Americans and bring communism to North America. Think of VB as a project of Cuban intelligence organizations. While the CIA was trying to get Fidel to light up an exploding cigar, Castro was setting up a phony organization for misguided Americans to help him infiltrate the government.
Who was the Leader of the VB?
Why, Karen Bass. She wasn’t just a member or an occasional visitor. She ran the place.
In some of their trips to Cuba, it has been reported that VB members learned bomb-making techniques as well as revolutionary propaganda. Certainly destruction of the United States was not something the VB brigadistas disdained. They studied it.
One of the groups that came out of the VB was a strange group called M-19, an all-female terrorist group founded in 1970. The robbed armored trucks. They bombed an FBI office. They blew up the South African consulate in New York. They bombed the Navy Yard—twice. On November 7, 1983, they bombed the north wing of the U.S. Capitol. They say January 6 was bad. In 1983, a lefty all-girl team blew up part of the Capitol building! I guess these were the original girl bosses—mob bosses.
M-19 was led by Susan Rosenberg and had direct ties to the VB. But it does not look like Karen Bass was ever an M-19 member.
It was reported in The Atlantic that Biden knew about Bass’s radical history when he was considering her for Vice President. As The Atlantic puts it, her past terrorist connections “hasn’t been a deal breaker.”
Okay, think about that for a second. An established American political denizen running for President (Biden) does not consider that being an avowed and activist Marxist (Bass) in what has been reasonably suspected to be a Cuban-government-run intelligence operation to be an impediment to serving in the Executive Branch. Wow, Democrats get upset that Trump picked J.D. Vance, a Hillbilly Ivy League graduate and former Marine—because that resume was too extreme, too bizarre, too “weird.” But being a bomb-thrower for Fidel is not a problem for the Democrats. Being the leader of a group that spun off M-19 is no problem at all.
Mayor Bass was famously in Ghana when the fires in Los Angeles broke out and there’s a reason for this. She’s out over her skis. Mayors, even big-city mayors, have no role in foreign affairs, but Bass was in Congress and she served on some caucuses that promoted African causes. So she has at least an interest if not connections to Africa. In fact, it was our befuddled President Biden who asked Bass to go to Ghana as part of the official U.S. delegation. Biden still thinks this Marxist terrorist-adjacent activist is a good representative for American values.
But before we proceed, let’s take a look at what Bass has done for Los Angeles. Don’t worry, it’s a short list.
Her main priority has always been homelessness; she budgeted $1.3B to combat homelessness (compared to $837M for fire)
But that was too much of a budget for mere first responders, so she cut the budget of the fire department by about $17M even though Los Angeles is known to have frequent fires
She knew that Governor Newsom had also cut the fire budget
Bass actually wanted to cut the city’s fire department budget by even more. She wanted to axe another $23M, but had to compromise
Meanwhile, about $665M of the money set aside for the homeless wasn’t spent. Karen Bass was not interested in diverting it back to the fire department—in other words, she had plenty of money to fund the fire departments but she was bound and determined to cut their budget as much as possible
The water reservoirs were not at capacity; in fact one was dry
Many fire hydrants didn’t work do to poor upkeep. But did you know that fire hydrants in Los Angeles are routinely stolen? From January 2023 until May 2024, over 300 fire hydrants in Los Angeles County were stolen. It is not known exactly why this is being done; the main theory is that the hydrants can be sold as scrap metal since they contain about 100 pounds of brass. But this isn’t worth that much, presumably less than $1000 per hydrant. Yet California considers the theft of a fire hydrant to be a misdemeanor and does not prosecute
I have read a couple of reports that some fire-fighting equipment was donated by Mayor Karen to Ukraine, because I guess she thinks that big cities in America should be giving foreign aid. I am not 100% sure this is true, but it has been reported in more than one outlet
Karen Bass created a DEI circus at her fire department, hiring three lesbians named Kristin to run the place. They’re being paid exorbitant salaries and have no idea what they’re doing. But, hey, they’re gay
Knowing the drought and risk of windstorms posed a risk for Los Angeles, she went to another continent knowing it would create a leadership vaccuum in an emergency where rapid response would be crucial
Back in the day, while she was in her openly commie activist phase, Bass got involved in the Line of March. The phrase Line of March comes from the Communist Manifesto, and it describes the strategic path to take to accomplish military or political victory. Founded around 1977, the Line of March affiliated with various radical groups and far-left forces to place radicals into key positions in local politics. A typical trajectory for Line of March activists (their literal “line of march” to gain power) was that radicals from their group would quietly join civic organizations or hold some sort of low-level elected office in local politics. They kept their radical politics on the down-low. They then stealthily used that office to advance both their careers—to higher and higher offices—and, when the time was ripe, they would advance their particular agendas.
Was destroying America’s second largest and arguably one of its once most beautiful cities a goal? Is that what a communist organizer would do?
The Line of March was founded in 1980 by a radical named Iwrin Silber, and it was based in Oakland (hometown of Kamala). Try and research it today and you’ll have a hard time finding it. It morphed first into Frontline Political Organization and then to Crossroads. It had early impetus from a communist group called The Trend and the Maoist New Communist Movement. In fact, it could be argued Line of March actually started in 1978, but they were then so strict about concealing its identity that the organization had no name and meetings were conducted in secrecy. I bet some of them wore disguises and used fake names.
A lot of these political terrorist and terrorist-adjacent groups either had no official name or kept changing names to stay one step ahead of the law. Many also obscured the purpose of their organizations with benign names or made-up agendas like fighting poverty.
When Jesse Jackson ran for President in 1984 and again in 1988, he got a lot of support from Line of March people who were placed in semi-sleeper cells in various Democrat-run organizations. They were clearly extreme lefty Democrats, but they blended in well enough. Their extreme left-wing postures only emerged slowly and over time.
While VB got its suppport from Cuba, Line of March was heavily supported by China and took Stalin and Mao as their heroes. They called what they wanted “rectification” and it was mainly an effort to present a “united front against war and racism.” That was what they said. What they really wanted was Mao-like policies in the States.
Almost right away, Line of March found friends in the Communist Party USA and the Democratic Socialists of America. In a report from Line of March published around 1980, Karen Bass was listed specifically and by name as one of several “forces working directly under the guidance of the rectification line/unity with line” where “line” means Line of March. She wasn’t the head of Line of March but she was a notable member and was working to support their goals.
There were three differences between VB and Line of March
VB was supported by Cuba, Line of March by China
VB was opposed to the LGBTQ agenda, Line of March was in favor
VB was about creating opposition; Line of March was about infiltration
Line of March fizzled out by 1989. The group wanted to dissolve into a series of looser-knit organizations, but that did not work well since the organization was founded as a hierarchical, tightly-knit type group where you had to swear allegiance. They probably had a secret handshake, too. Another reason Line of March disintegrated was that their leader in 1987 had been outed as a raging drug addict, which was “demoralizing.” His name was Bruce Occena and he (like Karen Bass) had been a member of VB before migrating to Line of March. Occena is still around; he’s running a substance abuse program in San Franscico now. (That’s not really as ironic as it sounds, a lot of people who overcome addiction go on to help others with substance abuse.)
Okay, now here is a crazy theory. If you wanted to wage war on America, it would be a great military victory to destroy that nation’s second-largest city. But attacking America has always been difficult because of our size and strategic location between two major oceans. But what if you didn’t have to cross the ocean to attack Los Angeles?
What if you could do it by fire? And what if you could then feign incompetence to cover up that crime? What if you could offer two blame tracks—you could blame DEI (that would work for conservatives) or you could blame climate change (for the liberals)?
Remember how Line of March wanted to plant communist people into political office in order to advance communism? What if they used DEI to cause mass destruction, and then just claimed incompetence? What if DEI is the plan to take us down rather than build us up?
It’s working that way. DEI can be propped up as something wonderful and kind, when in reality, it’s a very efficient tool used to destroy our great cities. And it need not be DEI incompetence. DEI can be the smoke screen used by infiltrators to hire other infiltators.
This leaves me with a question.
Why didn’t Karen Bass Manage Los Angeles Better?
When cornered at the LAX airport by a reporter, Bass just stood stone-faced and refused to utter a word. She didn’t even fall back on the old standard, “No comment.” She looked like an MK Ultra victim experiencing a glitch. She just stood there like she did not understand questions. (And remember this—she just disembarked from a 17-hour flight from Ghana to Los Angeles. She was on a plane for hours. Couldn’t she have used some of that time to prepare some remarks for reporters whom she had to expect would approach her when she got off the plane?) Is she really that incompetent? How can she have led the life she’s led up to now and give that deer-in-the-headlights look at some pretty easy-to-anticipate questions?
When she read a prepared statement to the press, she told people they could get more information by going online to URL. Have we found in Karen Bass the one person in America who has never been online? That’s like saying, if you need more information, call PHONE NUMBER. Is she that stupid? I think in this day and age, you need to rehearse and prepare and have a scriptwriter to sound that stupid.
I wonder if she is just playing the DEI card, meaning, she did what she did on purpose and with malice aforethought, but now she’s just bumbling and fumbling and pretending it was all just a mistake because she doesn’t know how to run a city. You know, like Biden destroyed the economy because, oh well, he’s got dementia. And Pete Buttigieg wasted billions as Secretary of Transportation but, oh well, at least he’s gay and DEI. And Karine Jean-Pierre may be the worst press secretary in the history of the world, but we want to support her, because she’s a Black lesbian. And Mayorkas left the back door to the country wide open because he’s just a dumb Cuban himself. What if Biden is destroying the country on purpose? What if Buttigieg is destroying the country on purpose? What if Karine Jean-Pierre really has normal intelligence and just acts like a DEI moron so we will only accuse her of incompetence rather than criminality? What if the immigration catastrophe was orchestrated by Mayorkas?
What if it was all deliberate? Look at what Karen Bass, avowed communist and former infiltrator and terrorist-adjacent activist, did in Los Angeles. She made sure the reservoirs were drained. She never fought for more water for Los Angeles (arguably its most pressing problem). She never tried to stop people from stealing fire hydrants. She specifically cut the fire department budget even though she had an overage in the homeless budget (meaning the cuts were not necessary). She may have shipped off needed firefighting equipment to a foreign country. She hired and then vastly overpaid incompetent women to run the fire department. Then she hopped over to Ghana knowing that the city was dry (no rain) and completely unprotected in the event of fire.
What if this was on purpose? Joe Biden has already saddled Trump with Gavin’s multibillion cleanup bill. Was that intentional?
Meanwhile, if USA Today can be trusted, as of today, over 20 people have been arrested for arson. No one has mentioned that the homeless—in addition to being arsonists— can start fires uintentionally. A homeless drug addict can fall asleep with a lit cigarette. Homeless people in the winter may start a fire for warmth that gets out of control. Gavin Newsom and Karen Bass campaigned on helping the homeless, but homeless has only increased on their watch.
Biden has routinely turned his back on those facing disaster. He never helped the people of East Palestine, Maui, or North Carolina when dealing with catastrophes. In fact, Biden announced FEMA was dead broke and the North Carolina people could just pound sand.
But now Biden said the federal government (that’s you and me, Taxpayers) will pay 100% of anything and everyting California needs. Suddenly we have all the money in the world. I don’t think this is because California is true Blue. I think it’s to leave Trump stuck with a multi-trillion dollar bill. But why should we taxpayers foot this bill?
California is stupid rich because of Big Tech but they get a federal bailout of 100% of anything and everyhing? Let’s review how rich California actually is.
Google is based there and their 2024 revenues were $88B
Apple revenues in 2024 were $95B (just shy of 1 trillion dollars)
Right down the road is NVIDIA (if you’ve never heard of them they make servers and stuff for AI) with 2024 revenues of $61B
Nearby Meta (Facebook) is worth $41B
These are just a handful of the many Big Tech operations in California. They have the money. California may be a lot of things, but one thing you can’t debate—it’s WEALTHY.
So I see this as curious. A preventable disaster, exacerbated by a couple of no-show Democrats in power, that Biden uses to saddle Trump with billions maybe trillions in debt. The devastation of America’s second-largest city. No matter how you slice it, what happened to Los Angeles is tantamount to war.
I’m starting to wonder if this was intentional. I have no proof. But isn’t this where investigations start—with a suspicion. I am getting a little bit suspicious.
Hey, Gavin, what’s that smell? I think those are your Presidential ambitions going up in smoke!
I’m blown away. It never even occurred to me that it could be intentional ?? Did they know it would be as bad. My mind never went there. I guess incompetence made me feel better. It’s (perhaps) worse than I even thought. Hmmmm
Cali4~nya (to the tune of Hallelujah
by Leonard Cohen)
Now I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor falls, the major lifts
The baffled fiddler Goobernator composing Cali4~nya
Cali4~nya, Cali4~nya
Cali4~nya, Cali4~nya
Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
Karen tied you to a kitchen chair
Karen broke your throne, and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Cali4~nya
Cali4~nya, Cali4~nya
Cali4~nya, Cali4~nya