
One of the issues we see facing us is that sometimes deeply flawed people sometimes produce great art or music. We're seeing this in the Christian world now with the fall of Robert Morris, who in many ways was a very good speaker who helped many people. Parts of Manhattan are just dazzling--the music, the postcard-like scenery, the gorgeously lit black-and-white scenes. And parts of it are disgusting. How can the man who could wow us in one way be so pervy in other ways?

I partly went to watch Manhattan because of Dalton Academy but I am always interested in films that cannot be made today. If Woody Allen had otherwise lived an exemplary life, we could view Manhattan as an anomaly. But it was a very revealing film. I think it's interesting he tried hard to prevent its release. He claimed it was "too preachy" or some nonsense, but I think he saw then what Mariel saw in the interview you quoted. He realized it was too revealing, too disturbing.

Do you remember back in the 1990s, when Jerry Seinfeld (age 38) was dated 17-year-old Shoshanna Lonstein? He met her in 1993 and dated her--and he proposed to her when she was 21 but she turned him down. Jerry claims that he met her when she was 17 but they did not officially start dating till she was 18. He apparently likes a big age gap--he married his current wife in 1999 when she was 28 and he was 45. But back in the 1990s, there wasn't a lot of buzz around this.

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Wow, you never cease to amaze me !!! I had no idea of the Epstein connection or the Bill Barr family connection. I have avoided Woody Allen films because he has just always creeped me out. I never got the attraction ?? Btw, I don’t get the Mick Jagger thing either 😅

Another great article

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Donald Barr (intelligence) hired Jeffrey Epstein for Dalton Academy--Epstein was only there a couple of years before he went to Wall Street and then re-appeared as a mysterious billionaire playboy. But remember when Epstein was in prison in New York---Bill Barr (son of Donald Barr) was attorney general and could have easily influenced prison security.

It's kind of sad and sick that Donald Barr (father) recruited Epstein into this life and Bill Barr (son) may have facilitated his dispatch into the next life. This has caused me to view Jeffrey Epstein (hat tip to Whitney Webb) not as some mastermind but just another player on the chess board. Webb wrote "One Nation Under Blackmail" ostensibly about Epstein... except the book turned into a two-volume set of over 1000 pages and only a small fraction of it is about Epstein. Epstein was part of a much bigger program. In other words, you can't understand Epstein until you really understand the many people around him.

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Wow !

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One correction. You said Mariel Hemingway "was just 17 when she played Tracy, the same age as her character." No, she was just 16 at the time!

Here’s a link to a 2020 interview with her that confirms that: https://www.thedailybeast.com/mariel-hemingway-reckons-with-woody-allen-and-manhattan-i-was-a-kid . She’s asked “you were 16 when you filmed it, right?” She answers “Yeah, you’re right. It is crazy. And as a parent, if I watch it from that perspective—a woman my age—I’m not going to lie to you, I will judge that shit all over the place, and be crazy with that. If even somebody who was 60 was after my daughter at 30 I would be wildly uncomfortable. But especially 16? I was a kid.”

Elsewhere in that interview she said “I was way younger than the girl I was playing in the movie.” She also said that Allen propositioned her when she was only 17. She turned him down. He may have made a few amazing movies but I’m not going to admire a movie whose theme tries to normalize what he was doing to girls that age in real life at the time. I'm going to ask why Hollywood protected him for so long. Just like they've protected so many other deviants.

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