I loved this !! I too have witnessed Ms Crockett go from talking like she’s having tea with the queen and a guest on Jerry Springer !!😂
I will be glad to be rid of the mop head with her binder full of nothing !
The three way tie breaker (imo) has to go to Fani for giving us so much material to laugh at. Backwards dress on the stand moment was a highlight.
Jimmy Carter was an awful president. However his humanitarian work afterwards helped his reputation immensely.
Bold prediction here, but Harris never appears on another presidential ballot.
MSM-good riddance.
Ben Shapiro rap was fantastic.
I should follow Nancy’s stock strategy !
Goodbye from office forever Biden !
Hope we find out about the drones, Epstein, and Diddy (although I don’t really care to see Diddy’s videos. They can let someone else do it and report back.
Idk about Megan and Harry’s kids ?? Nothing would surprise me.
Huma Sorros-Jurassic Park- that is funny !
Thank you for your continued enlightening information.
Meghan and Harry's kids are surely their own. The issue is a peculiar one. According to the way things are done, children can only be in the line of succession to the crown of England if they were borne by a royal person. That's why the Queen always makes her non-royal daughters-in-law into royalty at their weddings. Diana was a commoner, elevated to royalty, and so her children were allowed to be in the line of succession to the throne.
Modern technology is a bit of a challenge here. There is some speculation--and it's pretty compelling--that Meghan froze her eggs and that Meghan and Harry used a surrogate. So the kids are biologically theirs (nobody has said that the kids are adopted--they are theirs) but if they were not borne by Meghan, they cannot be in the line of succession. I'm not sure, but they may even lose their Prince and Princess titles.
The odds that Archie or Lilibet would ever ascend the throne are remote. Harry is sixth or seventh in line and his kids would come after that. But it may be that they get bounced out of line. They'd still be part of the family and recognized as such, just ineligible to be king or queen.
Needless to say this has never happened before. I think William will ascend to the throne soon and I think William is has a lot of animosity toward his brother and Meghan. I would not be surprised if this became an issue when William becomes king.
Harry nor his children will ever see the throne short of an abdication (Not) or Mutiny (Nah) William and his three children come first. William will undoubtedly become King and serve for some time. Not as long as Grandma, but he should have a good long time. Then his kids would be next. George when he marries (likely) and has children (also likely) (pretty big incentive!) would step up in line. Also Harry and Megan have caused too much animosity and neither Charles nor William will allow it to happen.
Yes, the line goes next to William, then to George, Charlotte, and Louis. Then it moves over to Harry and his kids. (It used to be that Charlotte would be skipped but they changed those rules so Charlotte is in line.) At most, it's an academic point.
Right now, Harry is 6th in line, Archie is 7, and Lilibet is 8. If these kids were not physically birthed by Meghan, they would be removed from the line and it would got Harry #6, Prince Andrew #7 (hardly an improvement), and #8 would be Princess Beatrice.
I'm not sure but it might cost Archie and Lilibet their titles as Prince and Princess, too. But given Meghan and Harry's animosity toward the palace, I'm not sure they would care. (Also Archie and Lily did not get those titles until Queen Elizabeth died; they got them from King Charles.)
Harry and Meghan could have also adopted children, there is nothing to prohibit that, but adopted children would not be in the line of succession. Makes me wonder if there is some truth to all those conspiracy theories about "bloodlines."
Trump's new press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, said during her first press conference today that Trump told her to tells us that “After research and study, the drones that were flying over New Jersey in large numbers were authorized by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) for research and various other reasons" and that "Many of these drones were also hobbyist, recreational, and private individuals that enjoy flying drones. In time it got worse due to curiosity. This was not the enemy.”
Sorry, but even Trump is going to have to do better than that.
First of all, hobbyists, recreational and private individuals don’t have drones the size that were repeatedly reported. In one case (
Now FAA rules state all hobby, recreational and individually owned drones must not weigh more that 55 lbs. They are to be flown under 400 feet. They are not to be flown anywhere near airports and military installations. But many sitings, including the one above, have obviously violated those rules, which is why I didn’t believe Biden's National Security Council spokesman John Kirby when he first attributed the sightings to “commercial, hobbyist, or law enforcement drones, all operating legally and lawfully”. And I don’t believe Trump now with regards to that explanation either. Maybe some a few amateurs did decide later to become part of the news story by putting up small drones at night and flying them illegally to scare or puzzle, but many of the sitings cannot be explained that way.
Now commercial drones might be bigger and fly faster and higher, but they must have airspace authorization for night operations and must be registered, in which case they are required to broadcast Remote ID information unless their flown in areas where that’s not required, at that doesn’t appear to apply to these sightings (https://faa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=8f274117010f4eb1a50f64c1719be12b). Also, what possible reason could a commercial outfit have for suddenly flying so many drones in such peculiar ways. So I don't believe this is an explanation either.
That leaves the government. But recall that Pentagon Press Secretary Major General Pat Ryder declared they were not military drones and said they were not able to track the drones with specialized equipment to find out where they came from (and these were the car/bus sized ones over military bases). So if those drones were government drones operating for *innocent* “research and other reasons”, why didn't he just say so. Instead, he lied to us? Why?
As for “research and other reasons”, the Trump administration needs to be more specific. That's awfully vague for something they "researched" and "studied". This better not, for example, have been testing by Fauci’s EcoHealth/DARPA DEFUSE project which leaked documents suggest was looking at spraying vaccines on populations as early as 2018. That concern is only enhanced because DARPA funded Moderna to develop RNA-based coronavirus vaccines with a spike protein back in 2012. To me, it's not inconceivable that they were testing drones to do this given the advances made in drone technology in that time frame. In which case, they may now have lied to Trump. After all, these are the same people who lied to Trump and the American public when the Covid Pandemic began.
Another suggested possibility is that these were government drones looking for missing nuclear material (there were reports that a tiny amount was missing about that time), but I find it hard to believe they’d go to such immense trouble when the amount reported missing was tiny and not much of a danger to humans. Also, the behavior of the drones in many of the reported sightings doesn’t seem to make any sense in the context of a search for missing nuclear materials. Why fly a dozen drones lined up like lawnmowers over a military base and why fly them only at night?
Truth be told, there was no reason I can see for the Biden administration to lie and be so evasive about the drones, if Trump’s reassurances are accurate. But they did. And Trump better find out why. I’m afraid that Trump is going to damage his credibility with this latest attempt to dismiss the drone story. The American people deserve to hear someone besides the President tell us about these drones, someone who can be made to explain specific sightin. Let’s see some proof of what’s being claimed and let’s hear directly from some name people involved in this “research and study” he talked about. If it’s a top secret project then just say so and maybe we trust Trump to do the right thing. But anything else is not going to be very convincing. It's going to leave me and many others feeling like we’re being played again, this time by Trump. It’s almost like he’s been told to make the story go away, and now that he’s been read in on America’s secrets, maybe. Also curious is that not one news media outlet today questioned this vague explanation. They acted like the story is over too. It’s almost like they were told to drop it as well. Just saying ...
This story is on my radar, but I don't have any real insight beyond what is publicly available. I do know that the idea of aerial dispersion of poisons (bioterrorism) as well as vaccines, etc. has been undergoing testing for years. Decades even. Remember weird stories back 10 years or so where a whole herd of cattle would all die mysteriously over night? Then the story would just go out of the news cycle. Well, I know in some of those cases, the military was testing spray-down poisons. They'd kill off a bunch of cows without warning but they compensated the ranchers, etc., and nobody squawked. Probably a lot of non-disclosures required. So it is absolutely reasonable to think that drones could spray stuff on us, whether toxins or vaccines or whatever.
However, when those nefarious things are tested, they are generally done in great secrecy. That's why this cluster of drones--night after night--seems so inexplicable. They certainly weren't trying to do anything in hiding. That's why I continue to think it's a PSYOP. Whoever is doing this wanted us to notice! But whose PSYOP (ours, our enemies, someone else)? I hope that Trump's delay in exposing what's really going on is because he's getting at the root of things and I'm sure that the outgoing Biden criminal regime is not making things easy for him.
The Biden regime never had any interest in telling the truth, even when the truth was helpful or innocuous. Besides, Biden had no clue what was going on and I think most of his cabinet were in the dark on a lot of subjects, too. I think better of Trump but there is some reason he's not telling us what we need to know. Either (a) he doesn't know himself or (b) he does know and has chosen to conceal it. For now, I'm going with (a) and giving him some grace. Maybe he's still finding out what's going on or he has found out some things but needs verification.
It is likewise confusing to me that (a) the drones stopped and (b) the media dropped the story like a hot potato. Generally, the media is all over anything that might make Trump look bad, weak, or like he's hiding something. I don't think they would abandon this story if Trump told them to... Then again, I can't explain why they have lost interest in the drone story. My general rule of thumb is that if the mainstream media show no interest in a real story, it's because it makes the Democrats looks bad. Could that be the case here? It has also occurred to me that Trump doesn't want to open this can of worms just yet. But he's generally an opener of cans of worms, so if that's the case, we'll find out soon enough.
But something is seriously off with this story, I just don't know what it is.
I loved this !! I too have witnessed Ms Crockett go from talking like she’s having tea with the queen and a guest on Jerry Springer !!😂
I will be glad to be rid of the mop head with her binder full of nothing !
The three way tie breaker (imo) has to go to Fani for giving us so much material to laugh at. Backwards dress on the stand moment was a highlight.
Jimmy Carter was an awful president. However his humanitarian work afterwards helped his reputation immensely.
Bold prediction here, but Harris never appears on another presidential ballot.
MSM-good riddance.
Ben Shapiro rap was fantastic.
I should follow Nancy’s stock strategy !
Goodbye from office forever Biden !
Hope we find out about the drones, Epstein, and Diddy (although I don’t really care to see Diddy’s videos. They can let someone else do it and report back.
Idk about Megan and Harry’s kids ?? Nothing would surprise me.
Huma Sorros-Jurassic Park- that is funny !
Thank you for your continued enlightening information.
Meghan and Harry's kids are surely their own. The issue is a peculiar one. According to the way things are done, children can only be in the line of succession to the crown of England if they were borne by a royal person. That's why the Queen always makes her non-royal daughters-in-law into royalty at their weddings. Diana was a commoner, elevated to royalty, and so her children were allowed to be in the line of succession to the throne.
Modern technology is a bit of a challenge here. There is some speculation--and it's pretty compelling--that Meghan froze her eggs and that Meghan and Harry used a surrogate. So the kids are biologically theirs (nobody has said that the kids are adopted--they are theirs) but if they were not borne by Meghan, they cannot be in the line of succession. I'm not sure, but they may even lose their Prince and Princess titles.
The odds that Archie or Lilibet would ever ascend the throne are remote. Harry is sixth or seventh in line and his kids would come after that. But it may be that they get bounced out of line. They'd still be part of the family and recognized as such, just ineligible to be king or queen.
Needless to say this has never happened before. I think William will ascend to the throne soon and I think William is has a lot of animosity toward his brother and Meghan. I would not be surprised if this became an issue when William becomes king.
Harry nor his children will ever see the throne short of an abdication (Not) or Mutiny (Nah) William and his three children come first. William will undoubtedly become King and serve for some time. Not as long as Grandma, but he should have a good long time. Then his kids would be next. George when he marries (likely) and has children (also likely) (pretty big incentive!) would step up in line. Also Harry and Megan have caused too much animosity and neither Charles nor William will allow it to happen.
Yes, the line goes next to William, then to George, Charlotte, and Louis. Then it moves over to Harry and his kids. (It used to be that Charlotte would be skipped but they changed those rules so Charlotte is in line.) At most, it's an academic point.
Right now, Harry is 6th in line, Archie is 7, and Lilibet is 8. If these kids were not physically birthed by Meghan, they would be removed from the line and it would got Harry #6, Prince Andrew #7 (hardly an improvement), and #8 would be Princess Beatrice.
I'm not sure but it might cost Archie and Lilibet their titles as Prince and Princess, too. But given Meghan and Harry's animosity toward the palace, I'm not sure they would care. (Also Archie and Lily did not get those titles until Queen Elizabeth died; they got them from King Charles.)
Harry and Meghan could have also adopted children, there is nothing to prohibit that, but adopted children would not be in the line of succession. Makes me wonder if there is some truth to all those conspiracy theories about "bloodlines."
"...Huma Soros. Sounds like a character in Jurassic Park."
This made me laugh out loud -- more than once!
Keep it coming, Ricochet Cafe. Happy 2025.
Me too 😂
Trump's new press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, said during her first press conference today that Trump told her to tells us that “After research and study, the drones that were flying over New Jersey in large numbers were authorized by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) for research and various other reasons" and that "Many of these drones were also hobbyist, recreational, and private individuals that enjoy flying drones. In time it got worse due to curiosity. This was not the enemy.”
Sorry, but even Trump is going to have to do better than that.
First of all, hobbyists, recreational and private individuals don’t have drones the size that were repeatedly reported. In one case (
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/mystery-drones-swarmed-a-u-s-military-base-for-17-days-the-pentagon-is-stumped/ar-AA1saqAu?ocid=msedgntp&pc=ACTS&cvid=e906134369b94e8e9c1d3d05f5a94f60&ei=14 ) swarms of drones, 20 feet long and flying more than 100 mph at 3000 to 4000 feet, flew over a sensitive military base, “like a parade of lawn mowers”, for over 17 days in a row, and it was the military that reported this and who said they couldn’t track them to an origin.
Now FAA rules state all hobby, recreational and individually owned drones must not weigh more that 55 lbs. They are to be flown under 400 feet. They are not to be flown anywhere near airports and military installations. But many sitings, including the one above, have obviously violated those rules, which is why I didn’t believe Biden's National Security Council spokesman John Kirby when he first attributed the sightings to “commercial, hobbyist, or law enforcement drones, all operating legally and lawfully”. And I don’t believe Trump now with regards to that explanation either. Maybe some a few amateurs did decide later to become part of the news story by putting up small drones at night and flying them illegally to scare or puzzle, but many of the sitings cannot be explained that way.
Now commercial drones might be bigger and fly faster and higher, but they must have airspace authorization for night operations and must be registered, in which case they are required to broadcast Remote ID information unless their flown in areas where that’s not required, at that doesn’t appear to apply to these sightings (https://faa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=8f274117010f4eb1a50f64c1719be12b). Also, what possible reason could a commercial outfit have for suddenly flying so many drones in such peculiar ways. So I don't believe this is an explanation either.
That leaves the government. But recall that Pentagon Press Secretary Major General Pat Ryder declared they were not military drones and said they were not able to track the drones with specialized equipment to find out where they came from (and these were the car/bus sized ones over military bases). So if those drones were government drones operating for *innocent* “research and other reasons”, why didn't he just say so. Instead, he lied to us? Why?
As for “research and other reasons”, the Trump administration needs to be more specific. That's awfully vague for something they "researched" and "studied". This better not, for example, have been testing by Fauci’s EcoHealth/DARPA DEFUSE project which leaked documents suggest was looking at spraying vaccines on populations as early as 2018. That concern is only enhanced because DARPA funded Moderna to develop RNA-based coronavirus vaccines with a spike protein back in 2012. To me, it's not inconceivable that they were testing drones to do this given the advances made in drone technology in that time frame. In which case, they may now have lied to Trump. After all, these are the same people who lied to Trump and the American public when the Covid Pandemic began.
Another suggested possibility is that these were government drones looking for missing nuclear material (there were reports that a tiny amount was missing about that time), but I find it hard to believe they’d go to such immense trouble when the amount reported missing was tiny and not much of a danger to humans. Also, the behavior of the drones in many of the reported sightings doesn’t seem to make any sense in the context of a search for missing nuclear materials. Why fly a dozen drones lined up like lawnmowers over a military base and why fly them only at night?
Truth be told, there was no reason I can see for the Biden administration to lie and be so evasive about the drones, if Trump’s reassurances are accurate. But they did. And Trump better find out why. I’m afraid that Trump is going to damage his credibility with this latest attempt to dismiss the drone story. The American people deserve to hear someone besides the President tell us about these drones, someone who can be made to explain specific sightin. Let’s see some proof of what’s being claimed and let’s hear directly from some name people involved in this “research and study” he talked about. If it’s a top secret project then just say so and maybe we trust Trump to do the right thing. But anything else is not going to be very convincing. It's going to leave me and many others feeling like we’re being played again, this time by Trump. It’s almost like he’s been told to make the story go away, and now that he’s been read in on America’s secrets, maybe. Also curious is that not one news media outlet today questioned this vague explanation. They acted like the story is over too. It’s almost like they were told to drop it as well. Just saying ...
This story is on my radar, but I don't have any real insight beyond what is publicly available. I do know that the idea of aerial dispersion of poisons (bioterrorism) as well as vaccines, etc. has been undergoing testing for years. Decades even. Remember weird stories back 10 years or so where a whole herd of cattle would all die mysteriously over night? Then the story would just go out of the news cycle. Well, I know in some of those cases, the military was testing spray-down poisons. They'd kill off a bunch of cows without warning but they compensated the ranchers, etc., and nobody squawked. Probably a lot of non-disclosures required. So it is absolutely reasonable to think that drones could spray stuff on us, whether toxins or vaccines or whatever.
However, when those nefarious things are tested, they are generally done in great secrecy. That's why this cluster of drones--night after night--seems so inexplicable. They certainly weren't trying to do anything in hiding. That's why I continue to think it's a PSYOP. Whoever is doing this wanted us to notice! But whose PSYOP (ours, our enemies, someone else)? I hope that Trump's delay in exposing what's really going on is because he's getting at the root of things and I'm sure that the outgoing Biden criminal regime is not making things easy for him.
The Biden regime never had any interest in telling the truth, even when the truth was helpful or innocuous. Besides, Biden had no clue what was going on and I think most of his cabinet were in the dark on a lot of subjects, too. I think better of Trump but there is some reason he's not telling us what we need to know. Either (a) he doesn't know himself or (b) he does know and has chosen to conceal it. For now, I'm going with (a) and giving him some grace. Maybe he's still finding out what's going on or he has found out some things but needs verification.
It is likewise confusing to me that (a) the drones stopped and (b) the media dropped the story like a hot potato. Generally, the media is all over anything that might make Trump look bad, weak, or like he's hiding something. I don't think they would abandon this story if Trump told them to... Then again, I can't explain why they have lost interest in the drone story. My general rule of thumb is that if the mainstream media show no interest in a real story, it's because it makes the Democrats looks bad. Could that be the case here? It has also occurred to me that Trump doesn't want to open this can of worms just yet. But he's generally an opener of cans of worms, so if that's the case, we'll find out soon enough.
But something is seriously off with this story, I just don't know what it is.