If the 2020 Election was So Perfect, Why Can't We Even Question It?
I'm Not Denying the Election, I'm Saying It was Rigged
The mainstream media says that anyone who raises a question about the integrity of the 2020 Presidential election is an “election denier,” which is kind of bizarre, since nobody is denying the election. The election happened. Most of wish it had not happened the way it did, but we sure as shooting had an election.
And I wish I had a dollar for every time that CNN talked about “baseless allegations” of election fraud, meaning that if you ask any questions that challenge election integrity, there can be no basis for it. Is CNN some all-seeing eye that can know the basis of any argument, even an argument it had never heard before? Preposterous.
Any challenge to the 2020 election is called “the big lie.” If the election was as pristine as Democrats say it was, why can no one ask questions about it?
If the 2020 election were fair and square, it wouldn’t need the fact-checker Storm Troopers to defend it. If things had been honest and above-board, the winners would welcome audits and investigations rather than fight them at every turn.
In fact, the main reason I believe that the election was rigged is that it dare not be questioned or examined.
But there are hundreds, if not thousands, of other reasons to challenge the 2020 election. The reason people have so much trouble with understanding election integrity (or lack thereof) is that there is no single event that marks the fraud. There is no smoking gun, no singularity. It is not like some man with a big black mustache named Snidely Whiplash crashes in through a window and pulls a giant lever marked “fraud” and the election is undone.
If you’re looking for one single incontrovertible event that rigged the election (along with video proof it occurred), you won’t find it. If you’re looking at one evil Bond villain who did this to us, you won’t find him. To understand how the election was rigged, you have to exercise some common sense and put a lot of small pieces together.
The reason so many people cannot accept the idea of an American election being less than pristine is the mistaken belief that America has one big Presidential election. Not at all. The President is elected in 50 separate state elections which are then all stitched together to obtain national results. It’s not one election, it’s 50. Only it’s not 50, it’s hundreds because states have districts or precincts. Each precinct holds it own election and then merges results with the other precincts and so on. This fragmented system is actually a good thing because it makes it pretty hard to cheat. You can’t just pull a lever or flip a switch. You have to go in and tamper with a lot of individual elections.
The bad news is that tampering with little elections in little ways is not that difficult and it is hard to detect. And when people talk about election fraud, the stories get tedious. We can read about how ballot harvesters jammed boxes with lots of ballots—but is that fraud? Maybe they just have a lot of friends. And what about the 2000 Mules who were stuffing ballots into boxes in the middle of the night? Maybe they were night owls. We can read about how voting machines broke down at crucial times. Maybe that was just coincidence? What about counties that counted more votes than registered voters, in fact, more votes than residents? Maybe the county clerk got mixed up.
It gets boring. We Americans like our crime to involve big dramatic events and a car chase. You won’t find that here.
Some people say that since the courts did not pronounce official election fraud, it proves it did not occur. Many election-related court cases were thrown out of court, but the reason was due to “standing,” meaning the court did not see itself as being the proper authority to issue a ruling. When a court refuses to hear a case for lack of standing, it has no reflection on the merits (or lack thereof) of the case. In fact, when the Republicans brought an election fraud case to a court that heard the case, the Republican plaintiffs won in 14 out of 21 cases. That’s a two-thirds majority, in case you are math impaired.
Can I prove the election was rigged? Well, if you want smoking gun evidence that I can deliver in 15 seconds without boring you, no. But if you want a bunch of reasons that, taken together, make a pretty compelling argument, I can certainly give a start. This isn’t all of them. It isn’t even half.
Rigging a national election requires strategy and that involves targeting the vulnerable states and leaving the other states alone. For instance, California is a blue state, Texas is a red state. It would be hard to rig those states, it is almost a foregone conclusion how they vote. But some states are “swing states” that can go either way. In fact, margins are often razor thin between Democrat and Republican. Now if these swing states have a very large number of electors (that is, they get a lot of votes from the electoral college), they become high-value targets for fraud. You don’t need that many votes to push the state from one side to the other. Electors are a “winner takes all” prize, so if you can rig these states sometimes with just a few thousand votes, you can amass a formidable amount of electoral votes. In the 2020 election, most people following that sort of thing knew that there were some real battlegrounds—and five of those plum states stopped counting votes in the middle of the night. This has never happened before in American history that even one state stopped counting, but in 2020, it was five states. At the same time. All of which showed Trump in the lead before the shut-down. During the time these states closed up shop, observers were thrown out. In at least one case, windows looking in on the people counting were papered over. When the states re-opened the next morning, every single one showed a massive influx of Biden votes. Strangely, of the thousands of ballots that poured in during closing time, almost none were for Trump.
You can look at this by county. In 2020, Trump took the majority in 2,497 counties in the U.S. while Biden took only 477 counties. Trump won 81% of counties, Biden 19%. Seems hard to believe Biden could lose most counties and amass the greatest number of votes ever cast for a U.S. President.
Now look at who voted. Biden took 81,282,903 votes, rounded to 81 million. No one in history ever had more votes and it’s amazing, since Biden did virtually no campaigning. Biden got more votes than Obama did in 2008, which is weird since he was not as popular a candidate. Trump is credited with 74,223,030 votes, rounded to 74 million—far more than he got the first time he was elected. (Just for comparison, Barack Obama back in 2008 got 69 million votes.) If you add those together, you get 81 for Biden and 74 for Trump for a total of 155 million votes. This is remarkable since no voter turnout has ever been as huge—and it happened in a pandemic year when many people were frightened to leave their homes. The United States had 168 million people registered to vote so nearly all people who could vote voted—a unique historical event. It is interesting that while turnouts were normal in many parts of the country, turnouts were extraordinarily high in the swing states.
To believe Biden won, you have to believe he was able to get 12 million more votes than Obama got in 2008. Love him or hate him, Barack Obama ran an energized and vigorous campaign. How did Biden outdo him by such a vast margin, particularly when Biden barely went out in public during the pandemic? Remember that Biden lost the Democrat primaries in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada. And Harris dropped out of the presidential race before any primary votes. Yet they won the general election with the most votes in American history? That is either the greatest comeback story of American politics … or an indication of fraud.
About 450,000 ballots cast in the 2020 election were “Biden only” ballots meaning that while a Biden vote was made, no “down-ballot” votes for others for Senate or House of Representatives were cast. The person voted only for President. This is not typical. And strangely, this phenomenon mainly occurred in the swing states. Trump votes almost always tracked to down-ballot votes but Biden votes, not so much.
Incumbents are favored in Presidential elections and “vote gain” helps to gauge how many votes the incumbent has gained or lost since the prior election. In 2012, Obama had lost 4 million votes but he still won re-election over Romney. In 2020, Trump had gained 11 million votes—the world record. Not incumbent ever had as big a vote gain as Trump. But he still lost the election. How could that be?
Then there are the bellwether counties. From 1980 to 2016, these 19 bellwether counties voted for the winner of the Presidential election every single time. No exceptions. In fact, Valencia County in New Mexico voted for the winner of every Presidential election from 1952 to 2016. In 2020, Trump won 18 of the 19 bellwether counties and Biden won just one. Yet in another in the series of amazing anomalies, Biden still won the election by the most votes ever won by any Presidential candidate. Remarkable.
There are also bellwether states (Ohio, Iowa, North Carolina, and Florida). Since 1896, these four states have voted for the winner. Trump won all of them in 2020. Biden won none, but still won the White House. Just another anomaly, nothing to see here.
Then there is 2000 Mules, the movie by Dinesh D’Souza that used geolocation to show that certain people were dumping large amounts of ballots in ballot boxes in the middle of the night. They were making runs from nonprofit organizations to ballot boxes in the middle of the night. We have never seen that sort of activity before in any American election, but we are told the election was flawless.
A wonderful website called Here is the Evidence has aggregated individual and other election complaints. A lot of individuals experienced anomalies and some of us reported them. I, for one, received not one but five mail-in ballots even though my state does not do mail-in voting except by request and I did not request such a ballot. Some say that is just anecdotal evidence, which is true—it is just one case. Did my receiving five mail-in ballots when none was requested tank the election? No, of course not. But if you add enough such events together, things start to look bad. Over 2 million votes in 2020 were associated with anomalies and 923 people stepped forward and said under oath that they witnessed fraudulent or sketchy behaviors related to the election and vote counting.
Many election laws were changed at the last minute to accommodate the weird circumstances of running an election during a pandemic. Some of these changes were against the law. It is not that they were necessarily foul or evil, it is just that the authorities had no right to make these changes. Voting is carefully regulated (or it used to be) and legislatures often had to get involved to change voting procedures.
Many illegal votes were documented. For instance, we know of 42,248 voters who voted twice in 2020. Those are the ones we can document. We know of 8,000 ballots that were cast using a nonexistent address. In Georgia, 4,700 absentee ballots used an address that was not residential. And in swing states, 138,444 votes were made by voters who resided in other states. There are hundreds of these factoids. Individually, you could say, what’s the big deal? But roll them together and you have one big fat stinking cigar.
In Arizona, 300,000 of registered voters were fake names. I believe in Texas that Lyndon B. Johnson cast a ballot in 2020. That is not a fake name but Johnson has not been with us for many decades.
Many voter rolls across the nation are not often purged and contain lots of people who have moved away or died. Over time, the voter rolls contain more names than the people who live in the precinct. Yet few authorities want to demand that voter rolls be periodically purged and updated.
The Hunter Biden laptop story broke before the election and was covered by the New York Post but was then suppressed by mainstream media and social media. Many potential voters did not hear about the material on the laptop which suggested Biden family corruption. And if possible corruption doesn’t bother a potential Biden voter, some may have been disturbed by the drug-and-sex antics of Hunter Biden who filled the laptop with racy pictures and lots of photos of him smoking crack.
In Pennsylvania, it is alleged that 39% of Republican mail-in ballots were not received. That is, they know of Republicans who claim to have voted but whose votes somehow got lost somewhere. If one or two votes goes astray, that’s a bad mistake. Over a third of votes—that’s a crime.
An IT worker for the Dominion Company swore in an affidavit that she saw poll workers signing ballots. That is illegal.
In Georgia, mail-in ballots from the Navy were found in a dumpster after the election and were not counted. Imagine serving your country in the Navy and having your votes thrown in the trash! (Military votes tend to swing more toward Republicans than Democrats.)
And then there are Zuckerbucks. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame gave in the neighborhood of $500 million to two Democrat-leaning charities who then gave the money to various government election offices. One of these groups had the boring name of Center for Technology and Civic Life. These groups then donated to lots of smaller groups. These numerous donations, mainly in swing states, were to be used to encourage mass mail-in voting, efforts to get people to vote, and what they call “ballot curing.” Ballot curing means that if a ballot is considered “problematic,” the polling place can fix it rather than discard it. While this may sound noble, the organizations, like Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan, are ardent Democrats and wanted the funds deployed to encourage Democrat turnout. The funds were also used to staff polling places with Democrats. The grants went to approximately 2,500 election offices at various locations. Regardless of how these funds were used and by whom and for what, it should be illegal to allow private organizations to play a role in our elections.
An Arizona state Senate hearing in 2021 found blatant election fraud occurred in 2020 in Maricopa County. Maricopa County is huge, in fact 2/3 of all votes in Arizona come in to this county. Maricopa County has enough voters to determine the outcome of the whole state.
There are literally hundreds of these. And it gets tedious going over them in detail, so most people zone out and mumble “baseless allegations.”
Some people might look at one or two of these items and think it is no big deal. Even losing a thousand ballots would not have undone the election results. Many people think that suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story played no role in the election. I think it did, but we have no real way of proving or disproving it. Shutting down swing states in the middle of the night while they’re still counting is weird but can I prove they used this “shut-down time” to phony up votes? No.
It is the preponderance of evidence that makes me skeptical, but more than that, it is the rabid shrill voices of the Democrats that refuse to even acknowledge an inspection that convinces me.
It just doesn’t pass the smell test. To those who say the election was perfect and allegations of fraud are baseless—let’s do an audit. People who have nothing to hide hide nothing.