Fani is Disqualified and This May Be Just the Beginning
What Happens When You're Too Corrupt Even for Fulton County, Georgia
Fani Willis could have her own reality show, “The Real D.A.’s Office of Fulton County.” You remember her from the Georgia lawfare persecution of Donald Trump. Here’s a short summary of what happened.
Georgia had a stash of money set aside to facilitate going through the many court cases that got backlogged during the 2020-2022 COVID crisis. As District Attorney (DA) of Fulton County, Georgia, Fani had access to that loot which the voters wanted to spent on clearing up the court dockets
Instead, Fani decided to use it to pursue Trump. There is some evidence she met with the White House, after which she exhibited a sudden passionate interest in hauling Trump to court. It was decided they would spent the taxpayer money on a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) case against Trump
One reason that the White House wanted state charges rather than federal charges against Trump is that a Presidential pardon only covers federal charges. If they could nail Trump on state racketeering charges, no Presidential pardon could help him
The reason that the White House wanted a RICO case was that the charges were criminal, meaning that, if convicted, Trump would be a “convicted felon” and could do prison time
The White House liked Fani Willis because she was amenable to this sort of chicanery
Around this time, Fani Willis was having an affair with an attorney who did not work for her. The unlucky guy was named Nathan Wade and he was married but in the process of getting a divorce
Nathan Wade met with the White House as well. More than once. Now why would some random Atlanta-area attorney need to sit down in the White House with the Biden regime? We know these meetings occurred, because Nathan admitted it, plus he billed the taxpayers of Georgia for the meetings—so he left us a nice paper trail
Fani hired Nathan to be the lead prosecutor on the RICO case, even though he was not really that kind of lawyer. He didn’t normally prosecute criminal cases at all, and RICO cases are the most complicated kind of criminal case. Wade had never prosecuted one single RICO case. But Fani gave him the job, even though there were better-qualified attorneys in her office and in the area
Fani started shoveling the money at Nathan so he could build the case. It’s hard to know exactly, but in about a year, Nathan Wade got between $700K and $1M of the taxpayer money set aside for the COVID backlog. (A court document states he had received $600K by January 2024.) He padded his bills, too—as if you couldn’t tell. He once billed the good citizens of Fulton County for 24 hours of legal services in one single calendar day
During this time, Fani and Nathan were having an affair and took some cruises, luxury vacations, and spent a lot of money
What Fani and Nathan didn’t count on was the fact that women can be very observant about the spending patterns of their soon-to-be ex-husbands. It was Mrs. Wade who helped report the crazy-wild spending of Nathan and his new lady-love Fani
Fani and Nathan came under a lot of scrutiny. First, Nathan got booted off the case due to what Judge Scott McAffee called the “appearance of impropriety.” McAffee wanted one of the lovebirds to leave the nest, and he picked Nathan
Kiss that COVID money goodbye, taxpayers! Nathan got to keep all the money Georgia taxpayers invested in the case. Fani was allowed to stay on despite numerous incidents that—let’s just say raised eyebrows
Fani said she broke up with Nathan but when Fani’s daughter got arrested for traffic violations, Fani showed up on the scene with Nathan in tow
This week, Fani Willis was removed from the case entirely by the Georgia Appellate Court. The technical legal word is that she was “disqualified.”
The Georgia court system seems to work by inches, but it’s at least inching in the right direction. (Fani should have been disqualified months ago.) The RICO case has not been dismissed, and, in theory at least, it could be re-assigned to a different prosecutor from a different county in Georgia. I think this is unlikely given the hot-potato nature of the case and the fact that it has no chance of winning. Even if it does win at a lower level, it will be overturned on appeal. To win this case, you have to establish that Donald Trump was running a criminal enterprise.
The reason Fani is disqualified is the same “appearance of impropriety” but this time, it’s not for being romantically involved with the guy she just hired. It was because she had gone too far in deciding to go after Trump and build a RICO case, both of which are seen as outlandish efforts that damaged public confidence in the court system.
Fani Willis is sort of like the Lucy Ricardo of the justice system. She cooked up a crazy scheme and then just perpetrated a string of shenanigans until she got caught and got in trouble.
Although perfectly reason, this decision was somewhat unexpected. Maybe that’s why it was unexpected—it made sense.
The appellate court had a panel of three judges who voted 2-1 to ditch Fani. The New York Times is quick to point out that the three judges on the appeals court were all Republican appointees, as if that matters (the vote was 2-1). The Times said they were Republicans the same way some people say Hunter is a crack addict … as if it were a grievous moral failing.
Judge Scott McAffee had earlier ruled that Fani’s relationship with Nathan gave her a financial interest in the case. Fani was traveling all over the place with her boyfriend and although she claimed to have paid him back for those luxury outings, there is no evidence at all that she did. Even when she argued she paid Nathan back in cash, she had no bank receipts that she ever withdrew any substantial amounts of cash. It sure seems that the money Nathan earned from the job he got from Fani was being spent on Fani and her good time.
Judge Scott McAffee was a day late and a dollar short—he thought the romantic affair between Fani and Nathan could be cured by removing one of them from the case and he thought that Fani’s two cruises, trip to Belize, and trip the Napa wine valley, et cetera, did not give her any financial interest in paying Nathan these exorbitant sums for a job for which he was unqualified. In other words, McAffee didn’t want Fani and Nathan making goo-goo eyes at each other, but he sure did not mind that they were spending taxpayer money on each other.
The voters of Atlanta are not very smart. Fani Willis ran for re-election in November and she got voted back into office as the Fulton County District Attorney. In fact, she won 68% to 32% against Republican Courtney Kramer. Kramer had worked before in the Trump administration as a legal intern.
What Comes Next
RICO cases are designed to prosecute large-scale criminal enterprises like the Mafia. The idea is that while the lower-level guys do the actual “wet work,” the high-level bosses are calling the shots even if they never get their hands dirty. RICO cases were designed to roll up the whole crime family into one neat package and send all of them to prison. This is why Fani’s RICO extravaganza indicted 18 co-defendants back in August 2023 for a laundry list of felonies. (Sadly, Jenna Ellis succumbed to the pressure and took a plea deal in this case—too bad she didn’t hold out!)
Fani has always perceived all attacks on her as racially motivated. Let the record show that Judge Scott McAffee is white. Trump is white. A large proportion of the country is white. Fani sees herself as the poor, maligned, and outnumbered victim.
In fact, in January 2024, Fani went before the Big Bethel AME Church in Atlanta to express her muted outrage that she is the real victim when her affair with Nathan came to light. (It’s interesting when the woman caught in adultery goes to church to defend herself.)
But to any disinterested observer, Fani and Nathan had a clear conflict of interest. Fani was also nutty to take money for clearing up the court dockets and squandering it on a crazy RICO case she could never win—and then paying her unqualified boyfriend tons of money that they both couldn’t spend fast enough on themselves. If you wanted to be disqualified and held to public ridicule, you couldn’t do a better job than what Fani did to herself.
Fani has been quick to scream that she is the victim here because Black women should beallowed to have affairs. She feels that she is being singled out because she’s running around with a married man, when everyone knows, that’s perfectly fine. We have sadly reached the point in our misguided society when adultery is now a defense against incompetence. Sure, Fani did a lot of unethical and stupid things, but, hey, she’s running around with a married man!
Actually, according to our court ethics (there’s an oxymoron), it is not unethical for lawyers to commit adultery even if they do it as publicly as Fani and Nathan. Lawyers are free to have affairs with anyone and everyone they care to, providing their partners are consenting adults. So Fani and Nathan openly having an affair was not the reason she got disqualified. In fact, Fani and Nathan in this affair are not doing anything the Georgia courts consider unethical, immoral, objectionable, or gross. The problem with Fani is that she hired Nathan to do a job for which he was unqualified. In other words, she gave her boyfriend a cushy job that overpaid him, even though he was not qualified. (This leads me to speculate—if Nathan had had the right qualifications to run a RICO case against Trump, would this still not be unethical? Alas, another question for another day.)
RICO cases are difficult to build, challenging to prosecute, and take forever to resolve. A RICO case can bankrupt even wealthy people, which is partly the point. Sometimes the people charged under RICO statutes need public defenders, that is, a court-appointed attorney they don’t have to pay. In Georgia, you cannot be a public defender in a RICO case without meeting certain requirements, including having RICO experience. The idea is that these cases are just so arduous, defendants deserve an experienced RICO defender. Nathan Wade would not meet that requirement. He could not be the public defender of any of the people he’s been asked to prosecute. Yet Fani hired him? To prosecute the biggest RICO case in American history?
The other big issue here is that Fani Willis shows an incredibly low level of legal savvy.
She should not have misappropriated taxpayer funds to go after a political opponent
She should not have hired an unqualified man she was sleeping with to be vastly paid to bring the case
She should not have colluded with the Biden regime to “get Trump” and left us a paper trail
When her affair with Nathan and their spending sprees came to light, she shouldn’t have tried to cover it up and scream “racism!” at every turn
Is this the end of the story? Well, I don’t think so. Fani could be charged with public corruption. She should be disbarred, but that’s just my opinion. I think she might get considered for charges of election interference.
But something bigger is on the horizon. She may have colluded with the January 6 Select Committee kangaroo court. Stay tuned. If I were Fani Willis, I would be very very worried about the pending J6 investigations. My prediction is that the J6 fed-surrection, the DC gulag, the bogus charges against grandmas taking selfies on January 6, and the lawfare cases across the country were all part of the same event. Liz Cheney may very soon face criminal charges for witness tampering (and she should—it’s clear she had unallowed communications with one of the J6 “witnesses,” Cassidy Hutchinson who testified falsely under oath).
The only difference is Liz and Cassidy can’t go to a church and scream racism.